Confidential Contact Person

A Confidential Contact Person (CCP) is someone who you can talk to when you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced unwanted or unacceptable behaviour. Unwanted or unacceptable behaviour can take many forms, like discrimination, bullying, (sexual) harassment, threats, stalking or gossiping, both online and offline. Even if it is very subtle, unwanted or unacceptable behaviour can still have a great impact on your feeling of safety and your feelings towards WaHo. A CCP will help you to work out a strategy best suited to you and your situation. When you come and talk to a CCP you are the boss. They are here to help you work out a strategy and will not act without your knowledge. And, everything you tell is confidential.

Waho CCPs

Within WaHo, (from left to right) Anna Spoelstra, Luca Smit and Heske Lycklama à Nijeholt have been trained to be CCP. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them if anything is on your mind.

Luca Smit:

Heske Lycklama à Nijeholt:

Anna Spoelstra:


CCP’s Sports Centre de Bongerd

Furthermore, multiple sports instructors of Sports Centre de Bongerd have been trained to be CCP. These Sports instructors can be contacted by mail. For WaHo the first contact person is Tijmen van Oostenbrugge, but you can reach out to any of the sports instructors you’d like. Contact details of the CCP of the Bongerd are:

Tijmen van Oostenbrugge

  • Coordinator Sport & instructor


Rémon ter Harmsel

  • WaHo trainer

If you would rather talk to other students, you can reach out to Elsa Geerts and Tristan Maas, two SWU Thymos board members who became CCP’s. You can find their information here.

More information about CCPs from the Bongerd can be found here.

There are also CCPs from the WUR. Information about that can be found here.

There is also the option to contact the NOC*NSF. The NOC*NSF confidential helpline for abuse or harassment in sport is available day and night, also on weekends and holidays. The number is 0900-2025590. The NOC*NSF also has a code of conduct that can be found here.