

Meo Lease B.V. verhuurt al sinds 1975 witgoed aan studenten, particulieren en bedrijven.

Servicegericht wasmachines, drogers, vaatwassers, koelkasten en fornuizen huren inclusief kosten voor storingen en onderhoud. Eén maandbedrag en verder geen zorgen.

We bezorgen de machine, tillen hem naar zijn plek, sluiten hem aan en voeren een eventuele oude voor u af.

Meo Lease levert standaard nieuwe apparaten. Met korting kunt u ook kiezen voor een schone en geteste occasion.

Als er een storing is, belt of mailt u ons en wij komen het euvel snel en kosteloos verhelpen.

Ons uitgebreide assortiment vindt u op www.meolease.nl

Fysiotherapie Vis

WAHO provides a free screening consult for its members

These physiotherapy consult are free to join and you can go there if you think you have an injury or just if you would like some advice from a certified physiotherapist. It is a screening provided by a certified physical therapist who will discuss your problem and give advice whether treatment is necessary. These screenings are ment for adequate diagnostics and advices.


Our sponsor Fysiotherapie Vis in Wageningen. These therapists have experience with sportrelated injuries and therefore can help you get back to training as soon as possible. The practice is situated in medical center ‘de Poort’ in the centre of Wageningen. The address is Plantsoen 57C, Wageningen. It is situated on the second floor (follow the signes for Fysiotherapie). During the evening the main entrance is closed, you need to enter through the side entrance. A map, including directions, is provided here.

How to subscribe?

You can send an email to maxime@fysiotherapie-vis.nl to make an appointment for a free screening. She will contact you as soon as possible! Please leave your phone number and a short version of the complaint in the email.

We hope that this service may help you with preventing small problems or injuries from becoming big problems. Going to a physical therapist shortly after you encounter a problem might prevent a lot of misery!

Maxime Schoorl

